Publications CHEMINI


  •  Jozee Sarrazin, Marie Portail, Erwann Legrand, Cécile Cathalot, Agathe Laes, Noé Lahaye, Pierre-Marie Sarradin, Bérengère Husson, (accepted, DSR I), Endogenous versus exogenous factors: what matters for vent mussel communities?
  • Waeles, M., Chavagnac, V., Cotte, L., Laes, A., Riso, R., Sarradin, P-M., Pelleter, E., Dulaquais, G., Cathalot, C. (2020). Metal partitioning after in-situ filtration at deep-sea vents of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (EMSO-Açores, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37°N), DSR I, 157,
  •  Daniel, A., Laës-Huon,, A., Barus, C., Beaton, A. D., Blandfort, D., Guigues, N., Knockaert,, M., Muraron , D., Salter,, I., Woodward, M.E.S., Greenwood,, N., Achterberg, E.P. (2020) Towards a harmonization for using in situ nutrient sensors in the marine environment, Marine Science Frontiers,


  •  Grand, M. M., Laes, A., Fietz, S., Resing, J. A., Obata, H., Luther, G. W., Tagliabue, A., Achterberg, E. P., Middag, R., Tovar-Sánchez, A., Bowie, A. R. (2019). Developing Autonomous Observing Systems for Micronutrient Trace Metals. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(35), 17p.


  • Cotte, L., Omanovic, D., Waeles, M., Laes, A., Cathalot, C., Sarradin, P-M., Riso, R. D. (2018). On the nature of dissolved copper ligands in the early buoyant plume of hydrothermal vents. Environmental Chemistry, 15(1-2), 58-73.
  • Chavagnac, V., Ali Hassan, S., Jeandel, C., Leleu, T., Destrigneville, C., Castillo, A., Cotte, L., Waeles, M., Cathalot, C., Laes, A., Pelleter, E., Nonnotte, P., Sarradin, P-M., Cannat, M. (2018). Sulfate minerals control dissolved rare earth element flux and Nd isotope signature of buoyant hydrothermal plume (EMSO-Azores, 37°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Chemical Geology, 499, 111-125.


  • Cuvelier, D., Legendre, P., Laës-Huon, A., Sarradin, P.M., Sarrazin, J.,. (2017). Biological and environmental rhythms in (dark) deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystems. Biogeosciences 14, 2955–2977. https://doi:10.5194/bg-14-2955-2017
  • Waeles, M., Cotte, L., Pernet-Coudrier, B., Chavagnac, V., Cathalot, C., Leleu, T., Laës-Huon, A., Perhirin, A., Riso, R.D., Sarradin, P.M. (2017). On the early fate of hydrothermal iron at deep-sea vents: A reassessment after in situ filtration. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 4233–4240. https://doi:10.1002/2017GL073315


  • Bucas, K., Laës-Huon, A., Repecaud, M., 2016. Les faces cachées des analyseurs chimiques in situ, in: Mesures À Haute Résolution Dans L’environnement Marin Cotier. , Edition: CNRS Alpha, Publisher: CNRS, Editors: F. G. Schmitt, A. Lefebvre, Chap. I3, pp.41-49.
  • Laes-Huon, A., Cathalot, C., Legrand, J., Tanguy, V., Sarradin, P.M., 2016. Long-Term in situ survey of reactive iron concentrations at the Emso-Azores observatory. IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. 41, 744–752. https://doi:10.1109/JOE.2016.2552779


  •  Cuvelier, D., Legendre, P., Laës, A., Sarradin, P.M., Sarrazin, J., 2014. Rhythms and community dynamics of a hydrothermal tubeworm assemblage at main endeavour field - A multidisciplinary deep-sea observatory approach. PLoS One 9.


  • Répécaud, M., Dégrés, Y., Bernard, N., Allenou, J.P., Aoustin, Y., Arrondeau, J.P., Bouget, J.F., Bucas, K., Daniel, A., Guillaud, J.F., Hamon, M., Jégou, P., Laës, A., Le Roux, D., Le Piver, D., Quemener, L., Rolin, J.F., Rudelle, T., Legrand, J., Vuillemin, R., 2009. New instruments to monitor coastal sea water masses according to European Water Framework Directive, Trophimatique project, in: OCEANS ’09 IEEE Bremen: Balancing Technology with Future Needs.
  • Vuillemin, R., Le Roux, D., Dorval, P., Bucas, K., Sudreau, J.-P., Hamon, M., Le Gall, C., Sarradin, P.-M., 2009. CHEMINI: A new in situ CHEmical MINIaturized analyzer. Deep. Res. Part I Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 56, 1391–1399. https://doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.02.002